The Friday Phrase

Fabulous Idioms for Friday Afternoon 🙂

Today’s idiom is ‘just around the corner‘ (despite being here already,in fact).

If something is just around the corner, then it is expected to happen very soon.

So have a great weekend everyone and enjoy every moment because Monday morning is just around the corner and once it’s here there’ll be no looking back…

cat corner

The Weekly Wish

Happy Monday everyone!

This week I wish you a happy and healthy week.

To practise your English why not share some happy news or maybe a healthy recipe.

cookiesAnd remember: if by some chance you don’t know the adjectives of the week you can look them up on and then use them here or in your next class!

The Friday Phrase

Fabulous idioms for Friday afternoon

Today’s idiom is backseat driver.

A backseat driver is a person who (annoyingly) is fond of giving you advice while you are performing a task or doing something, especially when the advice is wrong, unwelcome or both.

So have a good weekend everyone and if you find yourself in the back of the proverbial car, instead of being a backseat driver why not just sit back and enjoy the views 🙂

back seatClick here for back seat driving at its best!

A Thought for Thursday

A little something to think about when using English 🙂

In English the final is an adjective meaning coming at the end of a series, or a noun meaning the last game in a sports tournament or other competition, which decides the winner of the tournament.

The end, on the other hand, is the final part of something, for example a period of time, an activity, or a story.

So this Saturday sees the UEFA Champions League final take place in Wembley Stadium, London (not far from where Jeremy lives) while next Friday is the end of the month.

Which one are you looking forward to more and why?
Tell us about it and practise your English!

UEFA cup– The End –

A Word for Wednesday

Today’s word is the adverb flat out meaning either in a direct manner or at top speed and with maximum effort.

Our friend B. Bascal of legendary Bascal Productions has been working flat out this week in preparation for an upcoming event. However, when we spoke to him, he denied flat out that he was overdoing it.
Judging by this photo sent in by one of his assistants though, we are not fully convinced….

B. Bascal

The Weekly Wish

This week I wish you a fulfilling and fortuitous week.

To practise your English why not tell us about a fortuitous incident that has happened to you recently or about a project, process or pastime you find fulfilling.

And remember: if you don’t know the adjectives of the week you can look them up on and then use them here or in your next class!
